Recruitment Hamaren Education Center For Indramayu Region, 30 September 2022

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On September 30th, 2022, the first recruitment from the Hamaren Education Center for the Indramayu area at SMK NU Kaplongan was carried out. This is the start of the new Hamaren Education Center Indramayu class which will be opened in the future.

The enthusiasm of the participants was very high to be able to take part in the training at the Hamaren Education Center in the Indramayu area in realizing his dream to work and have a career in Sakura Country. You too can be a part of Hamaren too!


For those of you residents of Indramayu and its surroundings, who haven't had time to participate in the general recruitment last month, don't worry and be discouraged, you can still register immediately while the registration period is still open, click the Hamaren registration link: Then select the training location in  Indramayu .


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